Become A Tree

Green Burial Community

Become A Tree Burial became a 501(c)(3) charitable nonprofit beginning December 8, 2022.

Become A Tree Green Burial Vision

Imagine a final resting place nestled in the pristine beauty of the Olympic Peninsula, where your life story becomes part of a thriving ecosystem. Join us in creating a revolutionary Conservation Burial Ground, where every burial contributes to preserving precious land, fosters a vibrant tiny community, and offers accessible, meaningful goodbyes.

Here’s the heart of our vision:

  • Caretakers as Stewards: Dedicated individuals live rent-free on the land, tending to the burial grounds and surrounding ecosystem. These caretakers become stewards, fostering community spirit and ensuring the land’s long-term health.
  • Burial-by-Gift: We believe final farewells shouldn’t burden loved ones. Donate towards your own future burial now, or gift one to someone you love, ensuring a serene, environmentally responsible send-off.
  • Pay-it-Forward Model: Every donation goes directly towards acquiring and conserving more land, expanding the sanctuary and its impact. This creates a lasting legacy, honoring both individual journeys and the natural world.

By contributing, you:

  • Safeguard precious natural areas: Your donation directly protects irreplaceable land, fostering biodiversity and mitigating climate change.
  • Create a mindful final resting place: Opt for a gentle, green burial amidst nature’s beauty, contributing to a healthier planet.
  • Join a caring community: Support the creation of a unique tiny community centered around stewardship and connection.
  • Leave a lasting legacy: Contribute to a revolutionary model that empowers individuals and heals the Earth.

Donate today and become a part of something extraordinary. Every contribution, big or small, brings us closer to realizing this vision. Visit our website (link here) to learn more, explore different giving options, and connect with our passionate community.

Together, let’s create a final resting place that honors life, heals the Earth, and inspires future generations.